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social shenanigans
work for droga5
i create things for droga5’s instagram to make it sillier and less corporate, ultimately looking for ways to highlight our people, create culturally relevant memes, and make people think ‘oh i want to work there.’
blew followers’ minds with a saltburn reference, setting a record for most engagement with over 844k plays.
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Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the authorPicture of the authorPicture of the authorPicture of the authorPicture of the authorPicture of the authorPicture of the author
started “this is your brain on d5” series where i lead droga5’s pov on pop culture by creating memes out of trends relevant that week and post them on droga5’s story every month. here are some of my favorites:
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this is your brain on d5
green screen povs
started “nocontextd5” series to highlight our people through their screenshots, desktop aesthetics, and a microsoft paint edition of our cco
capturing other office shenanigans and events all while wearing a “smile for d5 social” cap i made for the team
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Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author