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got it from mom
spec work for meta
what if we could learn more about our mothers the same way we learn about each other today? on mother’s day, we’re bridging this generational gap by generating the instagram profiles our moms would have had when they were younger.
how it works
on mother’s day, users will be invited to access the meta ai interactive experience through instagram stories by submitting details and photos about what their mothers did when they were their age.
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share mom’s story on story
this will result in an animated walkthrough of their mothers’ generated instagram profiles, sharable on instagram stories in a format similar to spotify wrapped.
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mom reviews series
users will be invited to capture and share their mothers’ reactions to the profiles using the green screen effect.
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time machine
users can integrate their own instagram profiles to generate images of the user alongside the user’s mother, imagining what it would have looked like to have been part of their mother’s past.
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mutual following
the ai experience can also highlight accounts that the user and mother are both following to discover what they have in common, from shared celebrity crushes to vintage trends on the comeback.
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visual identity exploration
the visual world will take inspiration from the vibrant colors of mother’s day, instagram’s aesthetic, and have dynamic animation.
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“meta’s ai is generating the profiles our mothers would have rocked before instagram”
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Picture of the author